This week is Trustees’ Week 2022, a chance to celebrate the nearly 1 million Trustees in charities across the UK. Here at Emmaus Suffolk, we have an amazing team of Trustees who bring a whole range of skills to the team, helping us to continually develop and grow our organisation.
Below you can meet Sue Raychaudri, a long-standing Emmaus Suffolk Trustee and get to know her & what she enjoys about working with us.
We’re always looking for new trustees to join us and we would love to hear from you! Working with Emmaus Suffolk is rewarding and we’re constantly evolving – learn more about what being a Trustee entails and how to apply here
That will be a long story, as I’ve lived many lives! I’ve lived in Ipswich for the last 20 years and have worked at various local charities, Suffolk police and Member of Parliament’s office, so know the local community extremely well.
I currently work at the University of Suffolk as a professional staff and have been there for over 4 and a half years. I volunteer my time as a Trustee in local charities, so lead a very busy life with a full-time job and volunteering in the community.
I was previously the Chapman Centre Manager managing the homeless centre, which gave me an important insight into the lives of homeless people and vulnerable adults in Ipswich.
I worked in partnership with various other voluntary organisations to resolve homelessness issues and came across Emmaus Suffolk working with Claire, the current CEO. Our paths crossed further as we were Trustee for Help Our Homeless charity and founder members and it was a natural progression from there to become ES Trustee, as you cannot say “no” to Claire!
I’ve been a Trustee for 6 other charities, so do have enormous experience in providing good governance and strategic direction to a charity, but most importantly, I enjoy being part of a local community and lending a voice to the voiceless, from homeless people to asylum seekers, refugees, migrants and all vulnerable adults. I strive to change the world for a better place each day.
The wonderful and fab work that Emmaus does nationally in the community daily, making a difference in people’s lives and bringing change. I am also truly inspired each time you hear from Terry Waite, President of Emmaus.
Get to know you questions!
I do not drive and don’t have a car, so cannot explore Suffolk apart from jumping on the bus or train, which is difficult, to say the least. But I love going to Felixstowe, especially the beach walk all the way to Old Felixstowe. I also love visiting my in-laws in Eye, north Suffolk as I adore walking in that town and exploring the nearby villages, Suffolk is very pretty indeed.
I am very hot on this issue as Covid has wreaked havoc on people’s mental health these past 2 years. I have a very happy and healthy relationship with a super fab partner we travel a lot and discuss everything under the sun and he never makes me feel sad. I do yoga, swimming, and lots of hobbies like puzzles, knitting, painting, sewing and watching Bollywood movies, so keep myself busy and active, both mentally and physically.
Find out more about how you can join our team of Trustees here