We are very pleased to say that we have launched a series of free online craft videos designed to keep people entertained from the comfort of their own homes.
Although COVID-19 restrictions are beginning to lift, we know that there are many people still isolating at home. We want to help ease the feeling of isolation felt by many and keep people motivated though (hopefully!) the last few weeks of lockdown and beyond.
In “normal”, non-COVID times visitors to our hubs in Ipswich and Felixstowe can get involved with a number of hands-on projects including craft activities. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, access to some of these activities have been limited over the past 12 months so we have decided to take them online instead.
We have now launched ten online craft videos so that people can take part in some of the Emmaus Suffolk craft activities from home. These videos feature our arts and crafts guru Chrissie, and she will be filming lots more over the next few weeks.
These activities use ordinary domestic items that many people might have at home. However, if you don’t have access to any of the items used you can come to the Emmaus Suffolk hubs in Ipswich or Felixstowe Hubs to pick up a resource pack. Please contact us on 01473 225627 to arrange collection.
Keep your eye on social media for updates when we publish the next batch of videos, and please share your creations with us online via our social media channels or using #emmaussuffolk.
Watch the full series of videos by visiting our Youtube channel.