Our Chief Executive, Jemma Wray, is heading to Uruguay on Saturday 7 May to represent Emmaus South Wales at the Emmaus World Assembly, which takes place from Monday 9 to Saturday 14 May.
The Emmaus World Assembly happens every four years in a different location and this year there are 384 delegates from 34 countries coming together to discuss, debate and connect. During the week, Emmaus members will exchange ideas and decide on the 2021-2025 guidelines to strengthen the Emmaus movement, tackle the causes of injustice and keep our heritage alive.
Debates during the week will be on the environmental, economic, social and democratic challenges facing our movement today, the responses that we can develop collectively, and how we can preserve the values, principles and practices which have made our movement strong and unique – community, work, welcome, self-sufficiency, awareness-raising, and collaboration, particularly with the most excluded people in society.
Jemma believes that homelessness is a systemic issue and a consequence of poverty. Her career has been around social justice and levelling the playing field. What particularly drew Jemma to Emmaus was that the model is unique in the UK, in that it is a highly participatory organisation and has a strength-based approach, not a deficit approach. Companions take responsibility, for example working in and running shops alongside staff, and helping with the day-to-day running of the community.
There’s a packed schedule at the Emmaus World Assembly, with workshops, discussions and cultural events taking place. We’re very excited to hear all about Jemma’s experience when she returns. We will be posting updates from Jemma on social media throughout the week. Follow us to find out more.