Outreach volunteer, Christine, has been reflecting on her last year of volunteering with us. Here’s what she has to say…
“It has been almost a year since joining the Rough Sleeper Outreach Team as a volunteer and what a year it has been. There have been many challenges along the way both personally and professionally when volunteering. Volunteering with Emmaus enables me to give something back to my community whilst taking time out from my everyday life for some much-needed ‘me time’. It also helps me get in LOTS of steps! I cannot imagine not volunteering with Emmaus; I love it and hopefully I am helping to make a difference to the lives of some rough sleepers.”
Fellow Outreach volunteer, Christian, has also shared his thoughts about his volunteering experience with Emmaus so far…
“I came to Emmaus with an open mind and in many ways an open heart. I just wanted to find a way that I could support my community having experienced homelessness myself some years prior. I have been with Emmaus for 5 months now in the Outreach role and I can safely say I have so far enjoyed my post. Every day is different, much the same as the circumstances of those we engage with. The employed staff are very supportive and value our input and ideas too. With each passing shift, my understanding develops and I hope to eventually be a much more competent and confident member of the team. The role most certainly enables me to support members of my community and for that I am truly grateful.”