Make a donation to Chris and Kevin’s Highlands cycle challenge fundraiser in aid of Emmaus Hull & East Riding.
Emmaus supporters Chris Straker and Kevin Rennison are planning a 290-mile cycle ride from Wick to Pitlochry in Scotland. The pair set themselves the challenge to raise funds for Emmaus Hull & East Riding, a charity supporting people affected by homelessness.
Chris said: “We are both expecting the ride to be very challenging, especially at our ripe old ages but we feel it is a small commitment to support the work of a charity that is there for those that especially need support.”
The pair will be departing on Wednesday 17 May and are hoping to raise as much funds as they can. All funds raised will help to support formerly homeless people who live at Emmaus Hull & East Riding as well as people who are street homeless and supported by the Emmaus Outreach team.