Emmaus Leicestershire & Rutland welcomed a group of trainee staff from our corporate partners Cadent to see first-hand how Emmaus supports people to rebuild their lives after experiencing homelessness.
A group of sixteen trainees on Cadent’s graduate programme visited the charity in Hinckley for a tour around its Emporium charity shop. They also brought in some of their own unwanted items to be resold in store.
“It was great to see the amazing work that goes on at Emmaus.”
The group had an opportunity to speak with Leigh, one of the people currently being supported by the charity, to learn about his experience of homelessness and how Emmaus Leicestershire & Rutland has helped him.
Cadent Business Graduate Freddie Bowlby said: “We’re grateful to everyone at Emmaus Leicestershire & Rutland for welcoming us into their community. It was great to see the amazing work that goes on, meet some of the people being supported, and hear Leigh’s story of how Emmaus has helped him.
“I hope our donations can play a small part in helping raise funds for the charity, and I can’t wait to get involved with some more volunteering with our new charity partner.”
In addition to Cadent’s fundraising commitments over the next two years, many of the visitors expressed an interest in volunteering for Emmaus in future.
To find out more about how your business can support Emmaus UK, visit our Corporate Partnerships page.