Grants are given for anything which will help companions to progress their personal development. This could include:
Grants can be awarded to cover course fees as well as equipment costs. If it will increase your skills, boost your confidence, improve your mental and/or physical health, or aid your chances of getting paid employment then it is worth applying.
It is also possible for applications to be made for group training, allowing five or more companions to take part in a group training exercise.
How much can I apply for?
Individual applications must be for between £50 and £750.
Group applications may be up to £1200 per group.
This is because we only have a limited amount of funding available and a lot of communities to share it with.
For larger grants, companions are asked to make a small personal contribution to show their commitment to the training or activity:
There is no limit on the number of applications a companion can make (provided the total is less than £750 per rolling 12 months) and no set amount of time that a companion needs to have lived at a community in order to apply. Each application will be assessed on its own merit.
Feedback process – this is really important
The money for the Companion Training Fund comes from generous grants made by various trusts and foundations. They like to hear about the fantastic things which have been done with their money and so require us to report back to them.
In order to do this, it is essential that each companion who has received a grant fills out the CTF feedback form.