On Saturday 19 March, we held a Solidarity Sale at our store in aid of Emmaus Europe’s Ukraine Appeal.
We would like to thank all our customers and supporters who shopped with us or donated on this day. In total, we raised £1,371 in sales. This wil be forwarded to Emmaus Europe and will be distributed to Emmaus groups in Ukraine, Poland and Romania.
Emmaus Oxford is part of an international movement made up of 410 Emmaus groups and communities in 41 countries. Emmaus groups around the world have come together to support the Oselya and Nasha Khata groups in Ukraine as war continues to take hold in the country, as well as the Emmaus groups in Poland and Romania which are supporting people who have fled their homes.
If you would like to donate to Emmaus Europe’s Ukraine Appeal, please visit www.emmaus.org.uk/ukraine