The iconic London Marathon returns on Sunday 23 April 2023. Suzanne and Ian are taking part to fundraise in aid of Emmaus UK. They spoke to us about why they are running for Emmaus.
“I’m looking forward to the crowd and landmark buildings.”
Where are you from: London.
Why are you running for Emmaus? The Everyone In campaign for Lockdown struck a chord with me reminding us all to help the homeless.
Tell us a little bit about yourself. I’m a 53-year-old lawyer.
What are you most looking forward to about running the marathon? The crowd and the landmark buildings.
Have you done a marathon before? No!!
Do you have a favourite song or podcast to run along to? Fun Run mix on Spotify.
What will keep you going to the finish line? Lucozade sport and seeing all the charity stands.
What will you do once you’ve completed the marathon? Lie on the road!
“I’m looking forward to the feeling of accomplishment once I complete it.”
Where are you from? Currently live near Toddington but am originally from Watford.
Why are you running for Emmaus? Ever since I was introduced to Emmaus whilst working for BCHS, I have been humbled and impressed with everything they do to help people re-build their lives. It’s more than a homeless charity providing a roof over peoples heads (vitally important), Emmaus helps people start again and make a life for themselves. The phrase ‘Most of us are only three pay days away from homelessness’ left a lasting impression on me and one I talk to my kids about to teach them the value of how lucky we are.
Tell us a little bit about yourself. I’m not a natural runner, that’s probably the first thing you should know. This marathon will represent the single hardest challenge I have ever undertaken. I’m a very proud father and spend as much time as I can with my nine-year-old son and five-year-old daughter. When people used to say “time goes by, enjoy it whilst they are young,” they were not wrong. I intend to enjoy every day I can.
What are you most looking forward to about running the marathon? Have you done a marathon before? I have done a couple of half marathons, one 18 years ago (much younger and considerably fitter) and one for Emmaus a couple of years ago. This will be my first marathon and honestly I’m looking forward to the feeling of accomplishment once I complete it.
Do you have a favourite song or podcast to run along to? I do have a running playlist I listen to whilst training. I need to add a few more songs to it as it ends after about 3 hours and that is a bit optimistic a finish time. I do have a fave pod cast but it is not suitable for all ages so I won’t mention what it is.
And what will keep you going to the finish line? What will you do once you’ve completed the marathon? Finishing and seeing my kids will keep me going. I’m quite stubborn so once I start something I will finish it – even if it is on Tuesday! A friend of mine who has done it before said immediately after I should have an ice bath and a hot shower. I like the idea of a hot shower, not so much the ice bath. I do have a massage booked for the next day so I’m looking forward to that. 😊
If you’re feeling inspired and want to make a donation in support of our Marathon runners, you can give using the form below.