Government figures released today by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities show more people are sleeping rough on the streets of Coventry – an increase of 50% from the previous year.
This rise is concerning, especially when compared to the annual increase of 9% across England.
The data was collected by Coventry City Council as part of the government’s Rough Sleeping Snapshot in England.
Today’s figures are worrying and show that this is a problem that shouldn’t be ignored. Homelessness is all around us and so much of it isn’t visible. We strongly believe that these figures are just the tip of the iceberg. So many people are camping, sofa surfing and doing whatever they can to stay warm and dry over the winter months.
Last winter, the Everyone In scheme provided temporary accommodation for thousands of rough sleepers. This scheme has now formally ended. New funds to help homeless people have been made available this winter, but these are unlikely to be enough to stop people from falling through the net and being left out in the cold.
Emmaus Coventry & Warwickshire provides a home and meaningful work for 17 people who have experienced homelessness and social exclusion. Find out more.