On Friday, we were thrilled to officially open our newly expanded emporium space and welcome special guests to our site.

We were joined by Cllr Cameron Holloway (Executive Councillor for Community Safety, Homelessness and Wellbeing), Cllr Jenny Gawthrope Wood, Cllr Peter Fane, and Emmaus Cambridge founders Selwyn Image & Jane Burton. It was a great morning celebrating our charity and sharing what we do with new guests.

It was Cllr Cameron Holloway’s, first visit to our site & he shared: “It’s clear Emmaus is a very special place, with a powerful community ethic and sense of social purpose. The companions were very generous with their time, and even gave us an impromptu cheese toastie!

“I was struck by the camaraderie between companions, staff and volunteers, and the way in which many of them saw themselves as part of a wider, international movement. I am very grateful to Emmaus and all the other fantastic organisations in and around Cambridge that are working to support people in real need, and rightly challenge us as a City Council to continue to do everything we can to alleviate and prevent homelessness.”

Cllr Jenny Gawthrope Wood, shared “It’s great to see how Emmaus has grown and flourished over the years with the gardens, the Solohaus homes, the donation centre and workshops and now the expanded Emporium. The highlight for me was the chance to meet companions and see how they live and contribute to our community. The warmth of your companions well outweighed the unseasonably cold and rainy weather!”

We want to say a huge thank you to our Maintenance Team & companion Shane for their incredible work on the emporium. They’ve created a brilliant space that will be a real asset to our charity.

Come and visit the new emporium for yourselves – we’re open every Wednesday to Sunday, 10am – 4pm.

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