Homelessness is a big problem across the UK, and sadly that includes our local area.
In Bedfordshire and the Milton Keynes area there’s a lot of amazing work going on to help homeless people, but there are simply not enough affordable homes. As well as those sleeping rough, there are many hidden homeless people who are also sofa-surfing or stuck in temporary accommodation, often lacking basic essentials for daily life.
You can help connect someone with local services by calling Streetlink on 0300 500 0914 or by downloading their app (but if someone needs urgent medical assistance or is in danger, do call 999). Loneliness is also a big problem so if you can, please stop and talk. You could ask if there’s anything they need, like a hot drink, something to eat, or warm clothing.
There are two useful websites which list local organisations and services that can help. For Bedford borough: www.bedfordhomeless.org.uk and in the Milton Keynes area www.mkhp.co.uk
Our charity Emmaus Village Carlton is based just outside of Carlton, north Bedfordshire. We offer a home, support, meaningful work and training to people who are homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless. If you know someone who Emmaus might be able to help, you can call our Support Office on 01234 720826 or find out more here about how we help.
There are many great homelessness organisations in our local area, which all need support. You can help Emmaus Village Carlton by visiting our three charity shops and bistro on School Lane, Carlton (open Wed – Sat 9.30am – 4.30pm / Sun 10am – 4pm) and by passing on your unwanted things for resale. You can also donate online and find out other ways to help.