We have a number of rooms now available in our community for people experiencing homelessness.
Recently some of our residents (known as companions) moved on from the community into permanent or alternative accommodation, leaving eight rooms now available for anybody who is experiencing or at risk of homelessness, or those who are insecurely housed and in need of this vital support.
Each companion who lives in our Emmaus community has their own bedroom with all living expense covered and meals provided in a communal dining room. There is no time limit on how long people stay at Emmaus, giving them stability and an opportunity to break the cycle of homelessness.
Nick Samuels, interim Chief Executive at Emmaus Village Carlton said: “We’ve had a number of our companions moving on to pastures new in recent weeks, so we’re keen to offer those rooms to people currently affected by homelessness.
“As well as providing vulnerable people with a secure home, we give them the opportunity to regain their self-esteem and support them to rebuild their lives. We also have an additional five move-on rooms for people preparing to live independently.”
All companions who live at Emmaus contribute to the community by working full-time in the charity’s social enterprises. In exchange for this voluntary work, companions receive an allowance based on the living wage, work experience, training and leisure activities, plus a variety of support services as well as a place to call home.
If you are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of becoming homeless, and are interested in joining the Emmaus Village Carlton community, please fill out a referral form: www.emmaus.org.uk/village-carlton/get-support.
We take referrals from agencies and individuals – each person is considered on an individual basis. If you want more information, email Support Manager: [email protected] or call 01234 720826.
Potential applicants can also enquire via reception at: [email protected]