Here’s our guide to the changes.
Why are you moving? The building has been sold, after seven years of support from our landlords, whom we’re thanking and are incredibly appreciative of!
Where are you going? Emmaus Homeware Store will open on Lowthian Street in Preston (through the same entrance as Iceland) in the former Steals shop next to Preston Markets, PR1 2ES.
How do I get there? Preston Bus Station is four minutes’ walk away and Preston Railway Station just a 10 minute walk. It’s only a 15 minute walk from the Megastore!
Will parking be affected? You’ll be able to park near to the new Emmaus Homeware Store at Hill Street, Penny Street, Trinity Square, Avenham Car Park and Preston Bus Station. For more information about parking, please visit Preston Council’s Transport and Parking.
When will you open? The first trading day of our new store will be Saturday 8 July. Our opening hours will remain the same as the Megastore: Monday to Saturday, 9am to 5pm and Sundays 10 to 4pm. For the opening times and locations of all our charity shops, please visit Our Shops page.
What will you sell? We’ll continue providing you with the same brilliant one-off Emmaus finds: sofas, three-piece suites, beds, wardrobes, chests of drawers, dressing tables, dining tables, chairs, gym equipment, mirrors, pictures, books, and exciting one-off vintage and retro items. We’ll also keep providing brand new beds, new mattresses, new sofas and new kitchen appliances, such as washing machines, fridges and freezers. Make a date to pop in to see what’s on sale.
Will collections and deliveries be affected? We will still be making collections of donated furniture free of charge, which you can do using our Book A Collection form on our website. Deliveries will be made as usual.
Who’s helping? Our whole community will be involved in the move. We’re not asking for further help at present, but if you’d like to volunteer to support Emmaus Preston, please get in touch here.
How can I get help from Emmaus? We accept self-referrals and referrals from organisations from anyone who is experiencing homelessness or is at risk. Please take a look at our Get Support page, where you’ll also find an application form that you can download or fill in online.