Emmaus Dover to re-open Archcliffe Fort site after extensive refurbishment
We are proud to announce that after over 7 months of refurbishment works, we will be reopening their site at Archcliffe Fort on Saturday 18th November.
Since April 2023, we have been trading at a temporary Channel View site whilst renovation works took place at our English Heritage site, Archcliffe Fort.
We will be reopening it’s second-hand superstore. You can expect the same high quality second-hand and vintage items on sale, as well as a Christmas grotto for the festive season.
Emmaus Dover’s Christmas grotto
Community Manager Debbie Stevenson said: “I am so excited about opening on Saturday and want to say thank you to the team for making it happen, our companions, staff, volunteers, trustees, as well as donors and customers for supporting us. It’s taken some years for us to get to this position, so it’s incredibly exciting.”
Darren, Emmaus Dover companion of 15 years: “It’s more of a welcoming environment with the refurbished facilities which I think the customers will really appreciate and a more comforting one to work in for myself and other companions.”
Paul, companion of 14 years, and Darren, companion of 15 years
The site refurbishments took place as part of Emmaus Dover’s Building a Better Future project. The project was launched in 2019 with the aim to secure the long-term future and sustainability of Emmaus Dover.
New facilities will create more opportunities for Emmaus residents, known as companions, generate new income and breathe new life into a historical place of interest. Emmaus Dover has also had new solar panels installed to increase the environmental sustainability of the community.
Onsite there is a new modern retail space, a newly refurbished café and warehouse building and improved and expanded car parking facilities.
Cafe at Dover Emmaus
To visit the reopened Emmaus Dover site, head to Archcliffe Fort, Archcliffe Road, Dover, CT17 9EL
Monday – Friday: 9am – 4:30pm
Saturday: 9am – 4pm
closed Sunday
To find out more about Emmaus Dover, please visit: https://emmaus.org.uk/dover/
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