If you are currently homeless, or at risk of being made homeless, we may be able to help.

Emmaus Greenwich offers people experiencing homelessness a bed, a community, and meaningful work experience, for as long as you need it.

Support for people experiencing homelessness

In order to join the Greenwich community in South East London, you must be prepared to adopt the Emmaus ethos and work full time, to the best of your abilities, within our social enterprise.  In return we will offer you a range of support, training, opportunities to gain new skills and a safe, secure home for as long as you need it.

Who can join?

Emmaus Greenwich offers a home to adults who are homeless, vulnerably housed or at risk of becoming homeless. If you are homeless in London or at risk of homelessness we may be able to help. We are a completely secular and inclusive community, open to anyone regardless of gender, religion, sexual orientation or ethnicity.

To apply to join our community or to refer someone, please complete and return the Emmaus Greenwich Referral Form to [email protected]. We promise to respect and keep safe any personal data you share with us. Please read our privacy statement for details of how we use, process and store personal data.


Find out more about homelessness in Greenwich, and the ways in which you can  support us.