London’s first rough sleeping charter was launched on Thursday 7th December, by mayor of London, Sadiq Khan. Emmaus Greenwich was an important partner in the planning process, supported the initiative and signed the London Charter to End Rough Sleeping.

The charters principles are: 

  • Accepting people Accepting that whilst people sleeping rough may have problems, they aren’t problem people. 
  • Prevention Ensuring help is in place to prevent people sleeping rough in the first place. We need to address the underlying causes and what traps people on the street. 
  • Open-minded Recognising that everyone rough sleeping is unique, and there should be meaningful options for all, regardless of immigration status. 
  • Partnerships Working with people who have experienced sleeping rough to develop and deliver solutions. 
  • Helping people thrive Putting in place the support, community links, and accommodation that people need to thrive. 
  • Safety for everyone Ensuring that people sleeping rough are safe from violence, abuse, theft and discrimination, and that they have the full protection of the law. 
  • Sign the charter 
  • Give your time and support Volunteerdonate, or support a charity who has joined this pledge 
  • Inform StreetLink If you see someone sleeping rough who needs help, let StreetLink London know. 
  • Educate People Learn about people sleeping rough and encourage others to do the same. 
  • Acknowledging people when they talk to you or ask you for money, even if you decide you would rather not give it to them directly.