Throughout 2018/19 the Rotary Club of South Foreland have kindly been supporting Emmaus Dover, by choosing us as the clubs main charity of the year. Earlier this month, the South Foreland Rotary Club was given a special tour of our community building, including the onsite shop, accommodation, warehouse and repair rooms. Our companions also gave an insightful talk about the history of Emmaus, and what it means to them. A generous donation of £2,050 was presented to the community, which will contribute to the ongoing ‘Building a Better Future’ fundraising appeal.
Suzanne Taylor Warren, President of the Rotary Club of South Foreland, said: “I’m pleased to know that our donation will help provide a home and meaningful work to people experiencing homelessness and social exclusion. Emmaus Dover have such an innovative approach to combatting homelessness, and I’m glad that we are able to support this wonderful local charity.”
Debbie Stevenson, Community Manager at Emmaus Dover, said: “On behalf of the trustees, staff and companions at Emmaus Dover, I would like to thank everyone at the South Foreland Rotary Club for their kind support over the past year. Their generous donation means so much to us and will help change the lives of the 27 formerly homeless people we currently support at our community.”
Find out more about Emmaus Dover. To donate to our Building a Better Future appeal please visit
Thank you for your support.