On Saturday the 1st of June, this year’s Emmaus South Wales Solidarity Sale Day took place. It is an event that takes place every year, with all of the days takings from our seven shops going to solidarity projects. This year, Emmaus South Wales chose to support both Emmaus International projects across the world and Emmaus South Wales’ own solidarity project donating furniture packs to local disadvantaged individuals.
Emmaus South Wales is part of an international movement that operates in 37 countries across the world, supporting people living in poverty. Each year, every Emmaus Community commits one days takings to support a project in a poorer part of the world. Solidarity is a massive part of the Emmaus ethos, as no matter how bad things might be for us, we know there are always others worse off.
On Saturday the 1st of June we sold hundreds of items to our customers, meaning we raised a brilliant….
which will be split equally between Emmaus International and Emmaus South Wales’ solidarity fund, supporting those most in need in our local community and across the world.
Emmaus South Wales would like to thank everyone who made a purchase in our shops on our Solidarity Sale day and also to our regular customers who support our work continuously.