The safety, health and well-being of our companions, volunteers, staff and trustees, along with our supporters, customers and local residents will always be our number one priority.
Coronavirus update – Emmaus South Wales – updated Friday 20 March 2020.
The safety, health and well-being of our companions, volunteers, staff and trustees, along with our supporters, customers and local residents will always be our number one priority.
We will be suspending our collection and delivery service, effective immediately.
We have temporarily closed all our shops. Currently, our eBay shop is still running. You can have a look here.
No. We will not be accepting item donations in store either until further notice. If possible, we would be extremely grateful if you could hang on to the donations until normal business resumes. We of course understand if this is not possible, and thank you for thinking of Emmaus South Wales to donate your items to.
We have received multiple requests about how people can support us during this uncertain time. If you are keeping busy by organising your belongings, we ask that you could please hold on to any donations until we can collect them. If you would like to make a money donation to support Emmaus South Wales, you can do so here. Thank you!
Above all else, we would like to thank you for your continued support. As always, stay safe and look out for each other.