Emmaus Lambeth are working together with The Robes Project charity by providing volunteers to help with their night shelters for the homeless across the boroughs of Southwark and Lambeth. Robes has expanded from running 7 to 14 church night shelters and this year for the first time will be providing 2 night shelters every night throughout the winter. Last Tuesday Companion Steve, volunteer Kevin and staff member Sanjiv assembled industrial shelving in their new warehouse in Acre Lane, Brixton to store camp beds, sleeping bags, quilts, linen and towels.
We formalised our relationship with Robes 3 months ago after some ad hoc volunteering. Sanjiv said: ” We are now working together with Robes as one of our Solidarity partners”.
We hope to continue our partnership to work together and especially with the view to help with the Robes Sleep Out Project planned for Friday 25th November 2016 at Southwark Cathedral.