This Sunday (24th of July 2022) our West Norwood community will be hosting a Pool competition in which the companions will be taking part in. The competition has been a subject of great interest within the community this past week, and anticipation is only growing as the date comes nearer.
Companions who were interested in taking part were told to write their names on a list so the match ups could be determined. Currently 16 companions are participating and as each game goes on the number will slowly decrease until we find the eventual winner.
The event has been primarily organized by companion Pawel who is very enthusiastic about it. When asked what inspired him to set up this event he said:
“We’ve had a Pool tournament before and it was very successful. Last time the tournament was for both staff and companions because not enough companions were interested in taking part. With this event I wanted to encourage more companions to get involved and have a good time.”
He explained how the last event was a learning curve for him:
“Based on my experience at the last tournament I am confident I can set my own one up. I know how to organize players, prizes and food and drink etc. I am sure it will be a good day for everyone.”
Though we expect our companions to be very competitive, at the same time the tournament is supposed to be very inclusive and all companions are encouraged to a fun time.
This event is just one example of the many ways in which our companions participate in fun social activities within our community. Considering our companions work very hard throughout the week it’s only fair that they have some time out for fun.
Following the competition Pawel aims to organize and participate in more social events for both companions and members of staff, not just limited to Pool tournaments but other activities too. We have no doubt that this event will be a success and we greatly anticipate all future events that will take place at Emmaus SLC.
Next week we will be publishing a follow up on the tournament so if you want to find out how it went make sure to keep an eye on our social media:
The tournament has been postponed and will instead take place Sunday 30th of July. An update will be posted the following week.