How to donate

Leaving a gift to Emmaus Preston in your will is simple, you just need our name and registered charity number: 1073677.

Did you know you could even leave 1% of your estate? Every gift makes a difference.

How your gift helps

Leaving a gift in your will, no matter how big or small, will help people who have experienced homelessness to regain their confidence and self-esteem. By offering a safe home for as long as it is needed alongside support and meaningful work opportunities, Emmaus gives people new purpose and the strength to change their lives.

Further Information

Our Gifts in Wills guide takes you through all the things you’ll want to think about when preparing to make a will. And our Legacy Fundraising Manager is available to provide support and advice – by email or over the phone – whenever you need it.

For more information about writing or updating your Will, please visit Remember A Charity’s guide on making a Will