We rely on your continued support and kind donations to keep us going; selling, recycling, or otherwise generating an income from everything you give us so that we can continue to offer support to formerly homeless people.
We are happy to accept most household items, but there are some exceptions for either legal or practical reasons. This includes soft furnishing without a fire label, safety items, baby equipment or any item that is not in a saleable condition.
If you’re unsure – give us a call: 0191 4895869
We rely on your kind donations to help homeless men and women in the North East. We are a small, independent charity and we could not do what we do without your generosity. Every penny that we raise goes straight back into our community, providing a home, training and ongoing support to 22 formerly homeless people.
What we do works. But we need your help to do it.
Volunteering is a fun and rewarding way to give back to your local community.
We are always looking for passionate and caring individuals to help us in our shops and community.
If you are a company or organisation looking to partner with a local charity, then look no further than Emmaus North East.
If you’re stuck for ideas on how you can help, click the link below for some ideas and suggestions.
We look forward to working with you!