Our vision is to enable homeless people to rebuild their lives through a social enterprise that enriches and involves the local community.


Our Emmaus community – like the others spread across the UK  and abroad – will help people who have been homeless to discover new confidence and self-respect through working with others and contributing to the life of the wider community

By helping to address homelessness and unemployment in the North East, our community will save taxpayers money, and improve the life chances of vulnerable people and those affected by trauma.


The strength of our community lies in partnership working. We are a flagship social enterprise in the North East and work in partnership with other local organisations, including local councils, charitable bodies and community groups, such as schools and churches. Together, we will work towards ending homelessness.


We are a homelessness charity with a difference, we are not a hostel for the homeless, and we don’t just offer a hot meal or a bed for the night. We provide ongoing support to people who have experienced homelessness, as well as funded training, companionship and meaningful work experience for up to 22 people. Our community and social enterprises employ people who are local to the area and have a highly valued team of volunteers.


We are proud to be supported by several local and national funders whose valued contribution will allow us to continue our important work.


To find out more about how you can get involved and partner with us to enable our vision, click here.