Our stories

The Emmaus difference 

The Emmaus difference 

Emmaus North East is a homelessness charity offering active support to formerly homeless people and those at risk of homelessness.

We offer a home as well as meaningful work in our social enterprises; each person has their own room in our accommodation in South Shields. People can stay as long as they wish and are offered opportunities to acquire skills as well as support when ready to move on.

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“Never in a million years did I think I would be able to work in a shop, let alone running one occasionally! I’ve learned a lot of new skills I never knew I had and it’s all thanks to Emmaus.”

Aaron, currently supported by Emmaus North East

“If Emmaus hadn’t come along when it did I dread to think where I would be now. Probably back in prison, or back on drugs. Thanks to Emmaus I am now rebuilding my relationships with my daughters.”

Glenn, currently supported by Emmaus North East

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