Emmaus Mossley is a charity that gives back. Members of our community regularly undertake acts of solidarity – helping people and groups less fortunate than ourselves.

Solidarity can be very valuable for our companions as it is often key to help rebuild self-esteem, proving that everyone can make a difference to the lives of others. Acts of solidarity can vary from raising money for a charity or cause, to doing voluntary work to help someone in the wider area.

As a community, Emmaus Mossley provides solidarity support in many different ways. We donate goods, we donate time and we raise funds for organisations and individuals in need. Some of the goods we donate include sleeping bags, food, play equipment, furniture, bedding, tools, and glasses. These are sent to local, national and international good causes as well as Emmaus communities abroad.

Helping people and groups in need

We regularly receive referral requests for furniture and essential items from many different agencies and support organisations. These are donated to families or individuals who are vulnerable, marginalised or in financial need.

Our companions, volunteers and staff also give their time and expertise to causes outside of the Emmaus Mossley community. These include volunteering as marshals at local events, supporting Mossley SOUP (which raises funds for other local groups), volunteering with The Canal & River Trust, helping out with new Emmaus communities , carrying out litter picks in the local community and supporting those who work with people who are street homeless.

Our companions are encouraged to visit other Emmaus communities and work alongside them. This has included trips to France, Bosnia, Holland, the Netherlands and supporting the annual Salon Emmaus in Paris.

Emmaus Mossley also allocates a small percentage of the funds we raise to solidarity related work and projects over the year. We plan and prioritise to ensure we support a mix of international, national and local projects focussed around our solidarity objectives.

Over recent years we have supported UK refugee and victim of torture charities, helped a nearby Emmaus community with the purchase of a van, donated to international disaster responses, provided toilets for schools and communities in Africa and Asia.