Emmaus Mossley is a charity that is reliant on the goodwill and kind donations of our supporters. The money raised from the sale of these items is used to support our community of 26 formerly homeless people.

We are happy to accept donations of most household items but there are some exceptions for either legal, practical or environmental reasons. This includes soft furnishings without a fire label, safety items, baby equipment or any item that is not in a good, saleable condition. Please read on for full lists of the items we can and cannot accept.


Items we can currently accept:

  • Books (maximum two boxes at a time)
  • Bric-a-brac
  • Cassette tapes
  • CDs
  • China
  • Christmas items (decorations, bric-a-brac, etc)
  • Computer games
  • Craft supplies (cotton, sewing items, wool, etc)
  • DVDs
  • Furniture (see exceptions below)
  • Garden furniture
  • Gardening tools
  • Household linen (bedding, blankets, curtains, etc)
  • Office furniture
  • Lamps and lampshades
  • Soft furnishings with a valid 1988 Fire Safety Label (beds, mattresses, sofas, etc)
  • Scrap metal including empty and cleaned tins and cans
  • Tools
  • Toys (with a valid CE Safety Mark)
  • VHS video cassettes
  • Vintage and retro homewares
  • Vinyl records

Items we cannot accept:

  • All baby items
  • Bicycles
  • Carpets
  • Clothes, shoes and accessories
  • Computers, tablets and mobile phones (you can donate these to Tameside Community Computers)
  • Disability equipment (such as wheelchairs)
  • Electrical equipment (flat screen TVs, old CRT TVs, music players, MP3 players, digital radios, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, etc)
  • Electric or gas fires
  • Exercise equipment
  • Flat-pack furniture
  • Gas bottles
  • Glass furniture (TV stands, dining tables, etc)
  • Kitchen appliances (e.g. fridges, freezers, cookers, etc)
  • Printers and photocopiers
  • Soft furnishings without a 1988 Fire Safety Label (beds, mattresses, sofas, etc)
  • Tins containing paraffin, petrol or any other flammables
  • Tins of paint
  • Toys (without a valid CE Safety Mark)
  • Used duvets and pillows
  • Wall units
  • Items in a damaged or poor condition or that we consider to be unsaleable.

If you are unsure whether an item you are donating is currently being accepted, please speak to a member of our team, either at our Secondhand Superstore or by calling 01457 838608 (option 1).

Additional links

For more information and advice on donating items to charity, please visit the Charity Retail Association website. For more information on recycling and disposing of household items, please visit the Recycle for Greater Manchester website.