Please note, donations start at £2. Please try again using the options below.

Every penny donated goes back into our Emmaus Merseyside community, providing a stable, long-term home for people who have been homeless, for as long as they need.

Making a donation couldn’t be easier.

£5 could buy two meals for one of our companions
Donate Now
£10 could pay for a homeless person’s travel to our community
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£15 could help someone feel more valued with a counselling session
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Every penny donated goes back into our Emmaus Merseyside community, providing a stable, long-term home for people who have been homeless, for as long as they need.

Making a donation couldn’t be easier.

£5 could buy two meals for one of our companions
Donate Now
£10 could pay for a homeless person’s travel to our community
Donate Now
£15 could help someone feel more valued with a counselling session
Donate Now
How your donations help
Please support us today

How your donations help

Your donation will help us to provide a home and meaningful work to people experiencing homelessness and social exclusion. All our companions want is an opportunity to work their way out of homelessness and, with your support, we can offer them that.

We can’t do this alone. There are many ways in which you can play a part in helping Emmaus Merseyside grow. Helping us to raise the money we need is one vital way you can contribute.