Our Emmaus Merseyside community provides a home and support to people who have previously been homeless. Next to our community building, we have a fantastic space that we’re transforming into The Beautiful Garden.
We’re appealing for your support to help fund the development of our community garden. Our companions are working alongside local volunteers to grow and learn together. Being outdoors and active has proven benefits to mental wellbeing and we can see first-hand how our garden is having a positive impact on all those involved in its development.
We have some big plans for the future and want more people to benefit from this fantastic space. By using horticulture as a force for positive change, we want to further develop the space, improve access and create a community hub for our companions, volunteers and local residents to enjoy.
A donation from you today will really help us towards our target. We know it’s tough for everyone at the moment but any gift you can spare will have a big impact.
We have already received some fantastic support for the development of our community garden. More companions and volunteers have got involved, local companies have donated materials and their expertise, and our local supporters have donated items too.
In addition to this brilliant support, we now need to raise funds for some important capital works. If we are to realise our ambition and create a thriving hub that is truly accessible to all, we need some additional funding beyond that which supports our community of companions. If you can afford to, please make a donation today and if you’d like to get involved, find out more below.