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Visit our Charity Superstore

Visit our Charity Superstore

At the Emmaus Merseyside Charity Superstore you will find a great selection of furniture, electrical items, homewares, clothes, vinyl, books and bric-a-brac. Visit us today to grab some bargains and support our charity.

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Help us grow

Help us grow

By using horticulture as a force for positive change, we want to create a community hub for our companions, volunteers and local residents to enjoy. Get involved as a Volunteer Gardener to give your support and help our charity grow.

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“Emmaus gives opportunities to people who are in the same situation as I was.”

Stewart, Emmaus Merseyside companion

“I was very impressed with the work Emmaus does in helping support people who’ve experienced homelessness.”

Peter Dowd, MP for Bootle

“Emmaus to me brings a brighter future for people, helps rebuild lives by giving companions a stable home and helping them find a positive way to move forward with their lives.”

Margy, Store Manager at Emmaus Merseyside

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