Our whole community want to say a huge thank you to everyone who attended and supported our Emmaus Fun Day on Saturday 6 July. Despite the wet weather, all who joined us to give their support had an amazing day.

Together, we raised £700 which will go directly into the support provided at our community. Emmaus Hull & East Riding provides a home and tailored support to help people who have experienced homelessness. Through the support we offer, people are able to regain their self-respect, build their skills, boost their confidence and achieve their potential.

We would also like to thank the local stall holders who supported the event; Crafty Crochet, Gem Shack, Let’s Sparkle Tattoos, Mama T’s Handmade Creations, The Coffee Trail and Yes Chef. Special thanks to Yes Chef who gave all of our companions free food and The Coffee Trail for donating 10% of their takings to our charity.

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