Two Emmaus residents, Rob and Wayne, will be joined by Emmaus Hertfordshire Deputy Community Manager, Tom, to set off from Clapham Common, London on Sunday 16th June, and finish on Brighton Beach the same afternoon.
The trio, who are all keen cyclists, will follow a beautiful route through the Surrey and Sussex countryside, and will be raising money for the Emmaus Hertfordshire community.
Rob, who has been at the community since 2014, said:
I cycle a lot but this is the first big bike ride I will have done. I’m nervous, but still excited about having the opportunity to do something to raise money for my community. Last year, I took part in the Emmaus UK 220ft abseil and I enjoy taking part in active events like this.
The British Heart Foundation has been running their flagship cycling event for 44 years and is open to novice and experienced cyclists.