Please note, donations start at £2. Please try again using the options below.

You can make a difference.

Your donation will help us to provide a home and meaningful work to people experiencing homelessness and social exclusion.

Making a donation couldn’t be easier.

£5 could buy two meals for one of our companions
Donate now
£10 could pay for a homeless person’s travel to our community
Donate now
£15 could help someone feel more valued with a counselling session
Donate now

You can make a difference.

Your regular donation will help us to provide a home and meaningful work to people experiencing homelessness and social exclusion.

Making a donation couldn’t be easier.

£5 could buy two meals for one of our companions
Donate now
£10 could pay for a homeless person’s travel to our community
Donate now
£15 could help someone feel more valued with a counselling session
Donate now