You can make a difference by making a one-off donation.

Your donation will help us to provide a home and meaningful work to people experiencing homelessness and social exclusion.

Making a donation couldn’t be easier.

£5 could go towards the purchase of vital identification for companions necessary for future employment and housing.
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£10 could go towards a homeless person’s travel to our community.
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£30 could help to sponsor a solidarity bed for someone who has no access to public funds.
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You can make a difference by making a monthly donation.

Your donation will help us to provide a home and meaningful work to people experiencing homelessness and social exclusion.

Making a donation couldn’t be easier.

£5 could go towards the purchase of vital identification for companions necessary for future employment and housing.
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£10 could go towards a homeless person’s travel to our community.
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£15 could go towards life-changing training and qualifications for our companions.
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