Nintendo Gloucestershire’s annual Christmas gaming event will be held online this year, and they will be raising money for Emmaus Gloucestershire through their Justgiving page.
Their live streaming event is being held on Saturday 19 December, 3pm- 9pm, at where they will be playing a variety of multiplayer games and holding a mystery raffle with over a dozen prizes up for grabs.
Some of the Nintendo Switch games they will be playing include: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Animal Crossing New Horizons, Pokémon, Sword/Shield, Drawful 2 and Jackbox Party Pack 2.
Nintendo Gloucestershire aims to bring all lovers of the Nintendo Switch together, to play games and have fun. They hold regular online events and monthly events out of Gloucester Guildhall.
For more information on the event, or to donate, visit here.