A <i>home </i>for as long as it is needed

A home for as long as it is needed

Everyone living at Emmaus Glasgow has their own bedroom, all meals are provided in a communal dining room and normal living expenses covered. There is no time limit for their stay with us, and this stability helps people to rebuild their lives following homelessness.
To move into Emmaus Glasgow, people are asked to sign off all benefits except for Housing Benefit. This is claimed by Emmaus to support the community.

Emmaus Glasgow accepts you for who you are. We receive applications from refugees as well as people from the city of Glasgow. Most people stay at Emmaus Glasgow for a few months but some leave sooner and others stay for years – we really are a home for as long as someone needs it.

A <i>reason </i>to get out of bed in the morning 

A reason to get out of bed in the morning 

We know that it takes more than a roof over someone’s head to help them overcome homelessness. That’s why, unlike hostels, we ask residents with the charity, known as companions, to contribute 40 hours per week of their time to our social enterprises.

This can be achieved by assisting in our second-hand shops, cooking for other companions, cleaning, gardening, carrying out maintenance, van driving, or performing collections and deliveries.

When surveyed, companions said routine, the opportunity to work and being part of a team were the most beneficial parts of their time at Emmaus.

A chance to <i>learn </i>new skills

A chance to learn new skills

Companions undertake training such as health and safety, manual handling, first aid and food hygiene.
Some people choose to train in PAT testing electrical items donated to the shops or in upcycling and restoring donated furniture in the workshop.
They can also apply for a grant from the Emmaus UK Companion Training Fund to help cover the costs of personal development courses such as driving lessons, guitar lessons and vocational training.
An offer of ongoing <i>support</i>

An offer of ongoing support

Companions are offered weekly support sessions to help them talk about their homelessness and look at solutions for their future.
Once companions feel they are ready to move on from Emmaus, we offer help to find a job and a place to live. When they have left the community we continue to provide ongoing support.

Apply to join today

To apply to join or make a referral, please download an application form here. You can contact us at [email protected] or telephone direct and speak to any member of staff – 0141 353 3903.