Since the first community opened in the UK in 1991, Emmaus has grown quickly. There are now 29 communities spread across the UK, supporting more than 850 formerly homeless people. There are also three groups currently working to establish new communities.
Solidarity, helping others less fortunate than yourself, is central to the Emmaus way of life. Everyone at Emmaus, including companions, staff, trustees and volunteers is encouraged to carry out acts of solidarity to support people who need it most.
For companions in particular, this has a huge impact on their confidence and self-worth, showing them that they can make a difference to someone else’s life and add value to the lives of people around them.
Companions at Emmaus Glasgow have always had a strong commitment to solidarity work. In 2009, the companions agreed to run a soup kitchen one night per week in the centre of Glasgow.
Emmaus isn’t just in the UK, in fact it started in France in the 1940s. Since then Emmaus has grown into an international movement with more than 425 associations in 41 countries across the world.