Free collections

Free collections

If you live in Burnley and have good quality furniture that you would like to donate to charity then Emmaus can collect it for free.

We rely on continued support and kind donations to keep Emmaus Department Store in Lancashire stocked, and always do our utmost to sell, recycle or otherwise get an income from everything given to us. We are always looking for donations of furniture and household goods in particular.

To book a free collection please complete our online form via the button below.

Book a collection
Why donate to Emmaus?

Why donate to Emmaus?

When you donate to Emmaus, you have a direct impact on people who are working hard to rebuild their lives following homelessness.

All of the items you donate allow our community to continue providing a home, work opportunities and support to formerly homeless people through our social enterprise.

All items donated to us must be in good saleable condition. We accept a wide range of items but there are some exceptions for either practical or legal reasons. View a list of the items we can accept via the button below.

Items we accept
Book a collection