An Emmaus community is a unique charity that enables people to move on from homelessness, providing work opportunities and a home in a supportive, family environment. Companions, as residents are known, can take part in a variety of roles within the community’s recycling business, collecting, renovating and reselling donated furniture and other items. This supports the community financially and enables companions to develop skills and rebuild their self-respect.
Companions can live in the community for as long as it takes to rebuild lives and return to everyday living. Emmaus communities are dry and drug free. Companions agree to sign off mainstream benefits whilst living in the community. Alcohol and illegal or non-prescribed drugs are not allowed on the premises or in the grounds, nor do we accept violent, aggressive, abusive or disruptive behaviour.
Anyone over the age of 18 is able to request a place in the community. We ask that everyone is willing to take part in community life and social enterprises.
We do not operate a waiting list and therefore admittance is on a first come basis. Unlike other homelessness charities, there is no restriction as to the length of stay – companions are welcome to live in the community until they are ready to move on.
If you would like to join our community, you can download an application form here. Please send any enquiries to [email protected]
We promise to respect and keep safe any personal data you share with us. Please read our privacy statement for details of how we use, process and store personal data.
For more information about living at Emmaus Bolton and how to apply, contact the community on: 01204 398056.
Download this Emmaus Bolton leaflet about our home and fresh start so you can start sharing the benefits of joining our Emmaus Bolton community with other people.
Emmaus Bolton is a home and a place to rebuild for people at risk of or with experience of homelessness. You can refer yourself, a friend or family member, or someone else as a referring body. You can also pass this information on to people your organisation partners with.
Anyone downloading the leaflet will be able to find out more About Us and our values at Emmaus Bolton, and learn more about how we work together to end homelessness.