We want to build a community where we share ideas, think critically and support one another to work towards our goal of ending homelessness together. We believe everyone has the right to freedom of speech and to share their opinion or comment.  

To ensure we have a safe platform where everyone feels welcome to share their views, we ask that everyone follows our good social media practice guidelines outlined below. If these rules are not adhered to, we reserve the right to moderate, which could include hiding or deleting comments and blocking or reporting accounts.  

We have zero tolerance for: 

  • Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ageism, classism, xenophobia or bigotry.
  • Hate, aggression or abuse. 
  • Libellous content. 
  • Trolling. 
  • Offensive or distressing content. 
  • Misleading content 

Our social media team reserves the right to make a judgment call on posts that do not fit within the above categories.  

Please send any questions, concerns or queries to [email protected]  and we will answer during standard office hours, 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday.